Etran and IcETRAN conferences will be held in Novi Pazar, the host is State University in Novi Pazar.

Novi Pazar is a city located in southwestern Serbia in the vicinity of the medieval fortress Stari Ras, one of the first capitals of the medieval Serbian state of Raska.The remains of medieval fortification in Gradina location, former market-place of Staro Trgoviste, some 11 km. west of modern city of Novi Pazar.

Memorial site Stari Ras with the nearby Monastery of Sopocani is since 1979 marked as UNESCO Worlld Heritage Site.

Novi Pazar has a Museum Ras, a Fortress, a medieval Turkish fort, built by Isa-bey Isahovic in the 15th century when city itself was established, also Altun-alem Mosque from the 16th century.

Besides the numerous historical Landmarks,, Novi Pazar is widely known for its gastronome specialty mantije /traditional Pastry, resembles burek but the shape is different/, also ćevapi /minced meat formed into fingerlike pieces, grilled/.

In numerous coffee barrooms and tearooms one can drink coffee or tea prepared in a traditional way, strole through the old part of the town, čaršija /Downtown/, and sense the spirit of the Orient.

Zlatno sokače /the golden Alley/, situated under the tiles-roofed dilapidated houses , irresistibly resembles Sarajevo or Istanbul. Sebilj in the very center, intensify this impression.

For more information about the State University Novi Pazar please visit

For more information about accommodation see here:

NAME Contact WEB
Hotel OXA 020 371 381
Hotel Palma 060 43 60 000
Hotel Atlas  020 601 101
Hotel Elements 069 612 000
Motel Divanhana 064 2552 561