Ionizing radiation has been used for many beneficial applications in healthcare, material production and characterization, and in supporting a secure energy supply. Accurate metrology is key to unlocking the benefits, while ensuring that ionizing radiation can be controlled and used in a way that does not put patients, radiation workers, the general public or the environment at risk. Scientific, economical and social challenges are vital parts of IR metrology and require some regulatory, technological and metrology community changes. This lecture contains the results of EUROMET project dedicated to Ionizing radiation metrology infrastructure in Europe. The International Measurement System for ionizing radiation is shortly explained and compared with our own experiences and degrees of equivalence of our standards. The role of the consultative committee on the development of ionizing radiation metrology was emphasized. Very important part of this lecture is nuclear knowledge management and its role in power and non-power application of ionizing radiation with reference to our experience at the Faculty of Technical Sciences.
Short Bio:
Vesna Spasić Jokić received the B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade. More than 20 years was with Federal Bureau of Measures and Precious Metals as a Head of Ionizing Radiation Metrology Group working on primary standard realization and calibration and participating in numerous key and supplement international intercomparisons of ionizing radiation primary and secondary standards. She worked as a guest worker in BIPM, NPL, PTB , OMH and PSI. From 2003 was with VINCA Institute of nuclear sciences as head radiation protection and on design of proton therapy project at TESLA cyclotron installation as scientific adviser. She is a tenured Professor with the Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad. Also engaged in Medical Faculty University of Defense and was engaged at Faculty of Electrical Engineering University of Banja Luka. She is also with the International Atomic Energy Agency as an expert in the field of nuclear knowledge management. She has authored or coauthored more than 200 international journal papers, books and chapters in international monographs, conference papers, and international projects. |