IcETRAN 2022, Section NMI (New materials in electrical and electronic engineering)
Metastabile perovskite phase ZnTiO3has transition to stabile spinel Zn2TiO4which occurs at 945oC with high kinetic rate. Nano powder with 40 nm particle diameter was pressed uniaxially at 200 MPa pressure without binder to form compact that will be consequently sintered. Dimensional change during heating was monitored using dilatometric thermo-mechanical analyzer TMA model SETSYS Evolution. Lever`s rule was used to calculate amount of the emerging phase during phase transition.Sintering and phase transition are often superimposed at dimensional change diagram recorded during heating. Phase transition kinetic is thus hard to deconvolute due to the superposition of the sintering and phase transition dimensional change phenomena.
The compacted specimens were treated on the non-isothermal schedule up to 1050oC.Sintering phenomenon of the ZnTiO3 nanopowder compact was also recorded up to 900oCwith isothermal holding of 25 minutes where phase transition was avoided due to lower temperature and isothermal holding. Second run heating of the obtained sintered specimens were recorded with the heating schedule of non-isothermal heating up to 1050oC.
Kinetic of the phase transition was obtained from dilatograms recorded during sintering and from bulk on the second run heating. Furthermore, phase transition kinetics was obtained by subsequent data subtraction of the sintering curves without phase transitionfrom the dilatation sintering curvescontaining phase transition.
In such a manner complex kinetics of phenomena such as sintering, linear expansion and phase transition recorded as dimensional change during heating brings the recognition of their mutual interconnected relations. Also application of these mathematical operations on dilatometric data leads to the established procedure for the sintering and phase transition data treatment.
Short Bio:
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Nebojša Labus received degrees in the following order: B.Sc. 1999 Faculty of Physical Chemistry from the University of Belgrade, M.Sc. 2005. at Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak frome the University of Kragujevac «Uticaj mehaničke aktivacije na sintezu cink-metatitanata» (Influence of the Mechanical Activation on Zinc-meta-titanate synthesis), and Ph.D. 2011 “Sinterovanje i svojstva sinterovanog ZnTiO3” (Sintering and Properties of sintered ZnTiO3) Faculty of Physical Chemistry as well. Works in she is with the Institute of Technical Sciences of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts – IT SASA since 2001. Elected in a Senior Research Associate rank 2018. His research interests include: sintering, mechanochemsitry, high temperature dilatometry, humidity sensors.