Call for papers

Call for papers is now open. You can download PDF version on LINK

Instructions for preparing the manuscripts for the IcETRAN Conference

During the registration process the authors will be offered to submit the manuscript. This document shortly describes how to prepare the manuscript for the submission.

IcETRAN Conference accepts only manuscripts describing original theoretical or practical results of the research, implementation of the theoretical results for solving engineering problems and description of a practical solution or instrument.

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Review process

All papers submitted for presentation at the Conference will be peer-reviewed. If the paper has been accepted conditionally (reviewers have asked authors to make minor changes in their papers), the authors are requested to return the final version of the paper.


Best Paper Awards

ETRAN society awards the best paper in each section for both ETRAN and IcETRAN conferences. All the papers that were accepted and presented either within oral or poster sessions are eligible for the award. The decision is drawn by the Conference Scientific Board based on the proposals from each the Sessions Chairs in each Section. Sessions chairs may decide not to submit any proposal.

All the authors of the winning papers share the award equally. The authors are solemnly awarded their ETRAN Society Diploma during the opening session of the next conference.

The authors of awarded papers are invited to submit a modified version of the manuscript for publishing in scientific journals that cooperate with ETRAN society. Each of these journals carries out the usual review of the submitted manuscripts.

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