June 3, 2024 – Today, the 68th national ETRAN conference and the 11th International IcETRAN conference, the most important event in Serbia and the region in the field of electrical engineering and complementary fields, were officially opened in Niš. At the opening, welcome speeches were given by Prof. Dr. Dragan Mančić, dean of the Faculty of Electronics from Niš, and the conference host, Prof. Dr. Vladimir Boranijašević, vice-rector of the University of Pristina with headquarters in Kosovska Mitrovica, Prof. Dr. Vladimir Katić, president of the ETRAN Society, and Prof. Dr. Mladen Koprivica, president of the IEEE Serbia and Montenegro Section. The conference was officially opened by the State Secretary in the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia, Prof. Dr. Miroslav Trajanović.

In his introductory speech, prof. Dr. Katic emphasized the importance of this conference, which has traditionally been held since 1955, stressing that the jubilee years are ahead of us, and the 20,000th paper is to be expected soon. “The ETRAN conference is recognized as a place where the most eminent experts, researchers, and young scientists gather. Our goal is to continue to support and promote the development of electrical engineering, providing a platform for the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and experiences,” said Prof. Dr. Katic. He also presented a vision for the future of the conference, including more intensive international cooperation and strengthening the participation of young researchers.

The international conference IcETRAN, which is held simultaneously with the national conference, is organized with the support of the IEEE association. The official language of IcETRAN is English, while for the ETRAN conference, it is Serbian. Both events include invited lectures, tutorials, roundtables, and sessions in sixteen areas of engineering fostered by the Society’s ETRAN sections.

Submitted papers have undergone a rigorous review process, and accepted papers will be published in e-proceedings with an ISBN, which contributes to open access to scientific information. Selected papers will be available to the participants of the conference, as well as to the general public through the IEEE Xplore digital library, while the rest on the website of the ETRAN Society after the conference.

This year, special emphasis was placed on the gathering of young researchers, for whom attractive financial options for registration and stay are provided, as well as a rich social program that enables socializing and exchange of experiences.

ETRAN and IcETRAN conferences are held under the auspices of the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia, with the technical co-sponsorship of the international association IEEE – Region 8, the IEEE section of Serbia and Montenegro and the IEEE section of Bosnia and Herzegovina and their chapters in Serbia, as well as the support of other societies and industrial sponsors, which further emphasizes their importance for the development of science and technology in Serbia and the region. It is expected that 269 scientific papers and lectures will be presented at the ETRAN and IcETRAN conferences this year and that they will attract over 350 participants from different parts of the world, which further confirms their prestige and importance in the international framework.