ET(R)AN is the oldest, the largest and the most prestigious Serbian professional society in the domain of engineering. ETRAN organized the national conferences ETRAN in continuation since 1955. Held every year, with in average of 400 papers, the conference was the principal attraction for researchers in engineering from Western Balkans to meet and share their results and know-how. ETRAN Society goal has been to gather in one place researchers from specialized and somewhat diverse fields of electrical and electronic engineering to promote their closer and more efficient communication. The official language for the ETRAN conference is Serbian.

In 2014, the Society launched the International conference on electrical, electronic, and computing engineering (IcETRAN) which runs in parallel with the national ETRAN conference. The international conference IcETRAN is dedicated to the same topics as the ETRAN. The IcETRAN conference series was started to extend the ETRAN event for international participation. The conference is organized with support of IEEE. The official language of the IcETRAN conference is English.

The IcETRAN conference includes invited key lectures, tutorials, round table discussions and sessions related to seventeen domains of engineering. The conference schedule is planned to provide the time for discussing problems of interest within special sessions. The papers submitted will be reviewed by two anonymous peers. The papers accepted and presented by one of the authors registered for the conferences will be in the edited proceedings with the ISBN number available on the ETRAN web site (public domain).

The conferences are planned to bring together young researchers; thereby, attractive registration fees and accommodation discounts would facilitate their participation. The meeting includes social events to allow participants to mingle and exchange individual prospective related to the research, development and the future of engineering within the fourth industrial revolution.

The conferences are supported by the Ministry of education, science and technological development of Serbia.